Nonington Butchers shops & premises

There is an early mention of a Nonington butcher in Nonington in a sale document of  1659 relating to the sale of   The White Horse alehouse in Church Street by Henry Pingle of Nonington, a butcher by trade, and his brothers. The Pingle family appear in Nonington church records throughout the 17th century and […]

Esther the Nonington witch. A conspiracy of silence?

The parish of Nonington did not escape the horror and injustice of the “witch-hunts” in Puritan Kent. In his 1932 book “Those Superstitions” Sir Charles Iggleston tells the sad story of the persecution and death of Esther, a “witch” who lived and supposedly practised her “craft” somewhere in Nonington. Unfortunately the location of Esther’s house […]

Chillenden parish alehouses.

The following information about the alehouses of the old parish of Chillenden in East Kent came to light some twenty or more years ago whilst I was researching the alehouses of Nonington and was therefore not pursued in any great detail and is in note form. The information was obtained in the main part from […]

Gunston or Goodnestone Alehouses

+++ The following information about the alehouses of the old parish of Goodnestone, sometime Gunston, came to light some twenty or more years ago whilst I was researching the alehouses of Nonington and was therefore not pursued in any great detail and is in note form. The information was obtained in the main part from […]

Wimlingswold Alehouses & Beer Shops.

+++ WIMLINGSWOLD ALEHOUSES & BEER SHOPS. The following information about the alehouses and beer shops of the old parish of Wimlingswold or Womenswold came to light some twenty or more years ago whilst I was researching the alehouses of Nonington and was therefore not pursued in any great detail and is in note form. The […]


In 1392 John de Plumptre, a merchant of the staple of Calais who traded mainly in wool and four times mayor of Nottingham, was granted a licence by King Richard II to found and endow a hospital or house of God for two chaplains and thirteen poor widows ‘bent by old age and depressed by poverty.’ The […]