1705 Nonington Boroughs Tax Roll

Originally transcribed for Kent Online Parish Clerks  by Kris Ellis. The 2nd October, 1705, miscellaneous taxes rolls for Nonington parish’s various boroughs, and Chillenden and Knowlton parishes. Easoleborough 2 Oct 1705 Parish count of all ye names of all ye inhabitants within this borough (Column Headings. 2 May 1705: Dutis on Burials, Dutis on Births, […]

The 1859 Nonington Tithe map

The 1859 Nonington tithe map was drawn from an actual survey and is therefore very accurate. It’s worth noting that the names of fields and woods often changed in the twenty years between the maps, and are different to the present, which can make research very confusing. The following are photographs of parts of the actual tithe […]

Nonington’s Great War and Other Veterans-photos

The British Legion was founded in 1921 as a voice for the ex-Service community as a merger of four organisations: the Comrades of the Great War, the National Association of Discharged Sailors and Soldiers, the National Federation of Discharged and Demobilized Sailors and Soldiers, and the Officers’ Association. The following photos are believed to have […]

East Stoole Farm in Esole.

The thatched cottage at the junction of Mill Lane and Easole Street was once a yeoman’s house probably dating  from the mid-15th century although the farm itself was much older. It was part of the Manor of Essewelle which belonged to the Convent and Abbey of St. Alban’s which had been granted the adjoining Manor of […]

Esole Farm, now White House Farm

White House Farm was previously known as Esole Farm until the early 1900’s. The present farmhouse appears to be a mid to late 15th century hall type house which was later extended, probably in the late 16th century, to give it its present appearance and size. The farm was part of the Manor of Essesole […]

John Pemberton Plumptre and Jane Austen’s niece updated

During the latter part of 1814 Jane’s niece Fanny Knight, the daughter of her brother Edward, wrote to Jane asking her advise as to whether she should marry J.P.P., who was described as  gentlemanly and wise; but also religious and too serious. Jane’s advise regarding his firm religious beliefs was  ”don’t be frightened by the idea […]