Society for Landscape Studies annual conference 2024 at Canterbury on 28th & 29th September. Sacred and Profane: the landscapes of Kent. This includes a visit to St. Alban’s Court in Nonington.

Sacred and Profane: the landscapes of Kent-click on the link to go to  SLS website for bookings Saturday timetable: 9.30: Reception 10.00: Introduction 10.15: Session 1: Exploring Kent Landscapes: ‘Kent’s changing coastal landscape’Dr Chris Young ‘Landscape, culture and cartography: a biographical approach’Professor Peter Vujakovic 11.15: Break 11.30: Session 2: Landscapes of authority in medieval Kent: ‘Norman Castles in the […]

1863 & 1873: Diversion of footpaths at St. Alban’s Court in Nonington

Parish vestries were the predecessors of parish councils but had much more authority over parish affairs and finances. Nonington Parish Council held its inaugural meeting on 4th December, 1894.At a Nonington Vestry meeting in early 1863 Mr William Oxenden Hammond of St. Alban’s Court in the parish of Nonington requested: “to divert a certain footpath […]

The   Black Prince & King John of France hunt at Cruddeswode in 1360

Almost five centuries after the  reference to “Crudes silva” in a charter of King Alfred the Great two notable Royal visitors made a brief visit to hunt in what had by then become “the park of Cruddeswode” [parcum de Cruddeswode], a hunting park belonging to the Archbishop of Canterbury. The name evolved further into Curleswood […]