The Round House near Barfeston circa 1900. Originally one of two smock mills on the Nonington parish boundary with Barfreston it was converted into a dwelling after milling ceased in the 1830’s The two Esole mills, the pug mill is in the background An early close-up view of the Corn Mill with the Pug Mill behind Easole Pug Mill shortly before the storm of 1905 Tragedy struck the mill in 1905 when the mill cap and sweeps were blown off during a severe storm damaging the mill beyond economic repair and John Harvey & Co. had the mill demolished leaving only the circular foundations and a small mound of rubble to mark the site of the pug mill. The corn mill in the late 1800’s with miller James Dilnot, miller from 1861-1911, with his miller’s van “The Ark”. so called because of the shape of the roof “The Ark” Mill Cottage, Edwin Sawkins and family The Corn Mill in 1950 For some years the mill was used for storage The corn mill in a state of disrepair 1932 with the cap removed The corn mill and outbuildings in 1961