The hamlet of Essesole in 1501

1501 Becham land held by William Boys from St Albans Abbey.

View the Easole area as it it now on Google Earth.
The location of Easole in Nonington in East Kent

Below are the persons who hold lands rendering rent from other places at the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel and do not owe suit of court except once in the year and neither pay suit of court or relief. (Michaelmas, 29th September).

B1 William Boys holds 1 ½ acres of land lying between the land of the manor and the King’s Way p.a. 18d.

B2 The same William (TSW) for ½  acre of land lying near Andrewstrawe p.a. 6d

B3 TSW for 1acre and 1 rood of land lying near Essolebyrg p.a. 15d.

B1-3 were in the fields then known as Andrewstrawe and Essolebyrg which are opposite the old College main entrance. Exact locations unknown.

B4 TSW holds 1 ½ acres of land lying between the meadow of the lord and le Churcheway p.a. 18d

B5 TSW holds 13 acres of land and it lies toward Le Becham rendering p.a. 13/-

B6 TSW holds 13 acres of land lying at Porteway [Carry/Carriage Way-probably now the foot-path originally from the side of Tor Cottage to the side of the Chapel and continuing on to the church (Church Way)]  p.a. 8/8d

B7 TSW holds 5 acres of land lying in Le Clepcrofte p.a. 5/-

B8 TSW holds 2 acres of land lying in Le Tye p.a. 2/-

B9 TSW holds 4 acres of land lying in Le Tye p.a. 10/8d (possibly woodland, payment of 2/8d per acre as opposed to 1/- per acre for other land. [Possibly the woodland mentioned in 1484 sale?].

B10 TSW holds 2 acres of land there in the tenure of TSW lately called Garleston p.a. 2/-

B11 TSW above Borsate Pit between the Manor of Essole and Le Chyrcheway 2 acres of land and 1 garden p.a. 2/-

The exact locations of B4, B7, B10 & B11 are not known but they are believed to lay in this general area.

B12-(see 1501 Essesole area map) TSW holds 4 acres of land with [ (not clear in transcript) messuage] and Le Forstall (the area of land in front of a manor or farm house) p.a. 2/8d

Payment only 8d per acres, possibly because it is the gardens ect. in front of the Beauchamps manor house. [Corresponds approx. to the area between house and Beauchamps Lane and from the west (boundary?) bank to the east (boundary?) banks now making up Beauchamps Wood].

Sum total £.2 2/9d

Total acres of land-50 acres 2 roods (1/2 acre).