The 18th century Fredville mansion was surrounded by parkland and could only be reached by a coach road with entrances in lower Holt Street and at Frogham. Each entrance had a gate lodge for a gate-keeper to live in and these gate-keepers were often the widows of estate workers and their employment as gate-keepers was a form of pension.
During the 1930’s shop premises were added to the Holt Street lodge, initially to sell produce grown in the Fredville walled garden by the Woodruffe family. Over the years the shop expanded but finally closed in the early 1990’s and the shop front was removed.

Both lodges are now private houses and look almost as they did a century ago whilst the coach road is now a public foot-path (with no vehicular right of way) from lower Holt Street to Frogham which takes you past the “Step Tree” and several other of the remaining chestnut which once part of Fredvilles renowned avenues of trees.