The Manor of Essewelle: Esol and Freydevill’ under the Colkyns-revised 21.12.2017

The Colkyns, also Kulkin, Kalkyn, Calkin, Colekin, ect, were not originally members of the Anglo-Norman land-owning class but wealthy Canterbury merchants who appear to have married into it during the reign of King John [1199-1216]. The earliest reference to the Colkyns in connection with the knight’s fee of Essewelle is to be found in a […]

Knowlton, also Knolton and anciently Chenoltone or Cnoltone, on the NE border of Nonington

Although not part of the old parish of Nonington the small adjoining parish of Knowlton has had close connections to Nonington over the centuries. Since the 1670’s the Knowlton estate has included Kittington, a manor and estate adjoining Knowlton parish in the north-eastern corner of Nonington. Knowlton, often written as Knolton in the past but […]