Nonington, Kent : a Contribution to its Early History By Dr. Frederick William Hardman, LL.D., F.S.A. with notes by Peter Hobbs of Old St. Alban’s Court, Nonington.

A verbatim copy of the draught manuscript of an unpublished history of Nonington written by Dr. F. W. Hardman in the early 1930’s. The page numbers shown are those of the copy, not the original manuscript. Following the manuscript copy is a personal note by Peter Hobbs of Old St. Alban’s Court on Dr. Hardman’s […]

Eva Crofts and Dame Laura Knight: Clarice Cliff and the Newlyn School come to Nonington.

Dame Laura Knight was never resident in Nonington but often visited Arthur Bates, her uncle, and Evangeline “Sissie” Crofts, her older sister, who both lived in Easole Street in Nonington. Dame Laura was an English artist who embraced English Impressionism and became one of the most successful and popular painters in Britain. Laura and her […]