Holt Street Farm in Nonington: the Slave Trade, Caribbean Pirates, and the founding of the British Museum.

It is now difficult to believe that the pleasant hamlet of Holt Street, more especially the present Holt Street Farm, had connections to the Atlantic Slave Trade between West Africa and the Caribbean. This was one of the darkest periods in British history which, whilst bringing incredible riches to a few European plantation owners, brought […]

Curlswood or Curleswood Park: also Cruds Wood, Crudeswood, later Old Park Farm in Nonington-revised 24.11.19

The name Curlswood, or Curleswood, evolved over the centuries from its  Old English name: ‘Crudes wudu’, meaning Cruds Wood. Crud was the surname of a tenant family who lived there at the time of Archbishop Pecham’s survey in the 1280’s. Over the centuries several variations of the original name were used in documents and on […]