The Will of Werhard the Priest-AD 832 [BCS 402]

  Oesewalum was one of the properties included in the will of Archbishop Wulfred, who died in 832. He left his extensive estates to his kinsman, Werhard, with the specific instructions that Werhard should continue to endow the charities that Wulfred founded and that in his turn Werhard should leave the inherited property to Christ Church, Canterbury.  The following […]

A Saxon (left) tries to repel a Viking raider (from a contemporary manuscript)

Oesewalum and the Vikings-revised 31.05.2019

Oesewalum and the Vikings. Oesewalum was held by Earl Aldberht (also: Ealdbeorht, Ealdberht), and his sister, Selethryth (also: Seleðryth ,Seleðryð), Abbess of Minster on Thanet, and Southminster (also Suthminster), now generally accepted as having been at Lyminge). Oesewalum had either been inherited from their father, a Kentish noble and land-owner, or granted to them along […]

Essewelle and the Barony of Maminot, later the Barony of de Say-revised 15.3.13

After Odo’s downfall his holdings were reclaimed by the crown, and were thereafter held directly from the Crown. Ralph, ‘a noted despoiler of women’, was the brother of Gilbert Maminot, the  Bishop of Lisieux and King William’s personal chaplain and doctor as well as being a large landowner in his own right, and Ralph’s and […]