Sir John de Beauchamp, 1st. Lord Beauchamp of Warwick, was a younger son of Guy de Beauchamp, 10th Earl of Warwick and a brother of Thomas, 11th Earl of Warwick. The brothers were founder members of the Order of the Garter in 1348, Sir John’s his stall was number 11. Maud, a sister, was married […]
Month: May 2013
The Colkyns of Fredville-updated 10.5.2013
The Colkyn, also Kulkin, Kalkyn, Calkin, Colekin, ect, family were not members of the Anglo-Norman land-owning class but were wealthy Canterbury merchants. The exact year they first occupied Fredville is not presently known, but they are believed to have taken possession during the reign of King John, 1199-1216, but they were well established there by […]
The Will of Werhard the Priest-AD 832 [BCS 402]
Oesewalum was one of the properties included in the will of Archbishop Wulfred, who died in 832. He left his extensive estates to his kinsman, Werhard, with the specific instructions that Werhard should continue to endow the charities that Wulfred founded and that in his turn Werhard should leave the inherited property to Christ Church, Canterbury. The following […]
Three Barrow Downs-Rowbergh Butts and Soles Butts.
About four hundred yards to the west of Soles is Three Barrow Downs, historically called Rowbergh and Rowberry Butts, taking its name from the three barrows in the shave adjacent to the ancient track way that is now part of the North Downs Way and known locally as “The Roman Road”. In the adjoining field […]